
Objective Driven

AI, Automation

& Advertising


No Gimmicks. No Confusing Offers. Straight Up High ROI From Someone Who’s Been in the Marketing Industry For a Decade. I Know Companies Need Help at Critical Points in Their Growth. I Provide That Through Exec Level Consulting and AI & automation solutions to stream line their business and implement training to ensure they are reaching their goals.

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Mike Coombe Reviews
  • Meta
    Business Partner

  • TikTok
    Marketing Partner

  • Snapchat
    Marketing Partner

  • Klaviyo

Refined Creative Ads
Strategy Process
  • Meta
    Business Partner

  • TikTok
    Marketing Partner

  • Snapchat
    Marketing Partner

  • Klaviyo

Total ROI

Saved & Generated For Clients
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Hours Saved

Clients Served

I Support Brand Owners & Agencies To Streamline Their Operations & Train Their In House Teams

With a deep understanding of the latest AI and automation technologies, I offer bespoke consulting services tailored to the unique needs of brand owners and agencies. As a specialist in creating AI and automation solutions, my expertise lies in streamlining operations, enhancing productivity, and providing comprehensive training to in-house teams. Together, we set clear goals and I ensure your team is equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to achieve them efficiently in today’s competitive market. Let’s work together to transform your business processes and achieve your objectives seamlessly.


Let’s Get Aligned. Not Misguided.

Let’s Start Scaling Your Business

As a marketing and AI consultant, I offer strategic AI implementation plans, product development initiatives and marketing Ai implementation activities to drive business growth through efficiency.

I have also been rated as a top voice in advertising on LinkedIn and featured by companies such as ClickUp, Apollo.AI, GeekEx and Lemlist. My expertise includes AI Consulting, Advertising, Marketing, and project management.

Mike Coombe Reviews

  • Psychology Based Creative Strategy
  • Social Media Advertising
  • PPC Advertising (Including Apple Search)
  • Full Stack Email/SMS Marketing
  • Custom AI Solutions
  • Operations Automation
  • Project Management Consulting
  • Full Operations Consulting

Mike Coombe Reviews

Full Stack Marketing Services

  • Psychology Based Creative Strategy
  • Social Media Advertising
  • PPC Advertising (Including Apple Search)
  • Full Stack Email/SMS Marketing
  • Copywriting
  • Fractional CMO Services (Full Integration or Part)
  • Brand Monitoring
  • Creative Services
  • Landing Page/Advertorials/ Listicle Builds
  • Website Conversion Rate Optimisation
  • Influencer Campaigns

Research. Analysis. Brief.

Strategy Process

1 on 1 Workshop

Uncovering what your business really needs, especially when it comes to AI and automation is very difficult, so we always start our process with a workshop with you and lay everything out that your currently doing.

Analysis & Brainstorming

Now that we’ve gone through the workshop I’m able to spend some time mapping out the exact services, processes and what impact I can make on your business the most.

Full Brief

Once we’ve gone through my brainstorming and analysis together, we’ll agree terms and I’ll provide you with a detailed breakdown, including milestones, communication expectations etc. Then the work begins!

AI & Automation Projects.

MCM Agency Case Study 1 Fashion Brand

Advanced AI Lead Enrichment Tool

We combine multiple APIs and data analysis prompt chains to find out so much about a prospect it’s kind of scarey. You can also run this tool in bulk and expect serious reply and conversion rates.

MCM Agency 2 Email Marketing Case Study

Ideal Customer Profile App

With a combination of real data from your current customers, competitors customers and reviews added into a prompt chain. We’re able to extract the inner working of your ideal customers mind.

MCM Agency Google Case Study 3

Perfect Business Offer Build Out

Our AI powered tool works with you to build out the perfect stacked offer, including new ideas, new ways to package it, new ways to add bonuses and new guarantees. All with the goal of having something you can sell without selling your time.

Advertising Case Studies.

MCM Agency Case Study 1 Fashion Brand

1 Month Inside an Omnipresence Strategy 6-Figure Fashion Brand

As a result of advertising account simplification, email marketing core flows, and efficient testing and scaling, PQ Collections CLTV increased by 25% and their blended CPA decreased by 35%. We achieved these results through a clear advertising strategy, engaging email marketing campaigns, and consistent testing and scaling of their campaigns.

MCM Agency 2 Email Marketing Case Study

1 Month Inside an Email Marketing Account Producing 6 Figures

As a result of the core flows, segmentation, and campaign strategy, the brand email revenue increased from £35,000 to £162,417, a 364% increase. The client was able to achieve these results by implementing a comprehensive email marketing strategy that included engaging core flows, targeted segmentation, and a cohesive campaign strategy.

MCM Agency Google Case Study 3

1 Month Inside a Multi 6 Figure Google Ads Account For a Fashion Brand

MCM Agency was able to significantly increase their client’s ROAS through the implementation of their MCM Agency CPC Strategy. By addressing the challenges that were hindering the company’s performance, the client was able to achieve better results through their Google Ads campaigns.

You’re A Wizard

Don’t Just Take
Our Word For It.

Mike Coombe Reviews

Featured Media.

Don’t Waste Another Penny on Facebook Ads Until You Watch This

If you’re running Facebook Ads and not seeing the results you want, this video is for you! We’ll show you I’m going to show you the reason why most facebook advertisers fair. And guess what we’re not even going to touch ads manager. So don’t waste another penny on Facebook Ads until you watch this!

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AI Is Transforming the Marketing Industry – Are You Ready?

AI Is Transforming the Marketing Industry – Are You Ready?

AI can help marketers understand their customers’ needs better and create highly personalised experiences across all channels. This means that marketers need to be prepared for an increase in competition as companies start leveraging AI for customer acquisition, engagement and loyalty.

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